Church Street in Nonington


Church Street was once made up of the present Church Street and what is now known as  Pinner’s Lane.


  • admin

    Denise, many thanks for your kind comments. I’m glad I was of some assistance to your research.

  • Denise Evans

    Nonington is a fascinating village and I am proud that I have an ancestral link. I visited the village at the end of January to find my ancestors grave of the Folwells. The Church Warden very kindly found the plot. They lived on Butter Street and I’m still trying to find further information on the family. Clive has been very helpful in my research. Denise Evans

  • admin

    Not that I know of, Hugh. The cottage is post 1859 Poor Law Commissioners map, and there is no clue there. It may have been given the name just because it was on the junction of the two roads like an old fashioned toll house.

  • Hugh Craddock

    Hi Clive, thank you for the photographic journey into Church Street’s past. Have you any idea why Toll Cottage was so named, when it was at the junction of Cherrygarden Lane and Sandwich Road? The Sandwich Road has never been turnpiked (still less Cherrygarden Lane), so is there some other explanation for the name?

  • Heather Measday

    Many thanks for keeping myself and husband with post’s from the parish of Nonington. We have read and re-read all notifications during the lock down. My husband and i are both in complete lockdown to health issues. Roy has a great great grandfather Thomas Measday buried in the churchyard, or so we believe. We have visited the churchyard and quite a few church services. I say we believe as we found his wife’s headstone and were able to only just make out the name of Ann Ways Measday. Since Roy’s stroke we have not been able to travel far so your post’s are like a breath of fresh air. Please keep up the good work and tell everyone involved a big thank-you. Take care and keep safe. Heather Measday

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